Memberships are $40 thru 4/15/06, $45 at the door
Kids 7-12 half price, Kids 6 & Under Free with Adult membership
You can pre-register by mail or pay for your LepreCon 32 Membership(s) via Paypal
Why not save yourself a few dollars? Print this form out using your Web
Browser and send along with a check or money order to: LepreCon 32, PO Box
26665, Tempe, AZ 85285
Badge Name:________________________________
City:__________________________ State:______ Zip Code:____________
Phone:( )____________ Email:_____________________
Over 18?: ( )yes ( )no
I am interested in:___Displaying in Art Show __Participating in Masquerade
__Dealers Room __Running/Sponsoring a Game __Volunteering to help the
Lep 32 Home Page |
Administered by Lee Whiteside